
Maksidom is the first Russian hypermarket chain for home and garden improvement, design, repair and construction.

ID: 34

Map where "MaksidoM" is active

Countries where MaksidoM is active

Russia  - RU

Table MaksidoM

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Paid order (new client) MaksidoM Online Shops CPS 3.46 %
2 Active Paid order (cashback) MaksidoM Online Shops CPS 1.15 %
3 Active Paid order (old client) MaksidoM Online Shops CPS 1.15 %

Popular Offers in category Online Shops

Finn Flare

eCPC: 37.4 CR: 11.4%

4 Kolesa

eCPC: 2.93 CR: 0.42%

Rigla Apteka

eCPC: 4.71 CR: 1.35%

eCPC: 4.24 CR: 1.41%

On i Ona

eCPC: 3.99 CR: 0.23%

Pomelo Fashion Shop

eCPC: 0.06 CR: 0.01%