GAC Motor

GAC Motor (application). Payment for the left application for a test drive of the car, when calling back to the left application - confirmation that it was left.

ID: 1244
GAC Motor

Map where "GAC Motor" is active

Countries where GAC Motor is active

Russia  - RU

Table GAC Motor

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Confirmed request for a test drive of a car GAC Motor Online Shops CPA 1290.0 RUB

Popular Offers in category Online Shops


eCPC: 1.78 CR: 1.2%


eCPC: 2.73 CR: 0.18%

On i Ona

eCPC: 3.99 CR: 0.23%

AliExpress (RU&CIS)

eCPC: 1.28 CR: 1.3%

Ralf Ringer

eCPC: 3.8 CR: 0.42%

Apteki Plyus

eCPC: 3.69 CR: 0.98%