
The cleaning service "Domovenok" is a leader in the market of cleaning services for apartments and houses.

ID: 925


Types of traffic Domovenok

Table Domovenok

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Paid order (new client, coupon) Domovenok Internet services CPA 500.0 RUB
2 Active Paid order (old client, coupons) Domovenok Internet services CPA 150.0 RUB
3 Active Paid order (new client) Domovenok Internet services CPA 1000.0 RUB
4 Active Paid order (old client) Domovenok Internet services CPA 500.0 RUB

Popular Offers in category Internet services

Atom Browser (web)

eCPC: 3.23 CR: 0.06%


eCPC: 0.07 CR: 0.01%

Internet opros

eCPC: 8.59 CR: 8.5%


eCPC: 0.04 CR: 3.3%

T-Mobayl (Cashback)

eCPC: 7.67 CR: 0.01%


eCPC: 0.13 CR: 0.1%